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Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures

Candid Family Pictures: Tips From your Family Photographer

Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures Toronto Family Photographer shares tips for candid family pictures
In our opinion, a family photographer’s job is to capture you in a beautiful, most authentic way. Think about it: As parents, you’re told to be present in the moment, multi-task, let your children figure it out on their own, nudge your child in the right direction, be firm, be loose, and a whole other list of contradictions that form what “parenthood” is all about. However, in all that maddening chaos, there is the beauty to be found in your messy, honest, raw and absolutely wonderful life as a family. And here’s what we are here to capture.

So how do you achieve those candid, unscripted family portraits full of your unique personality? Here are our go-to  family photographer’s tips:

1. Be yourself. I know it might be tempting to pose in front of a camera. Fix your posture. Tell your kids to behave. However, there are so many fun and photogenic opportunities arise when you just allow yourself to just be. Giving smooches, fooling around and giggling – these always photograph so beautifully.

2. Come up with a family activity. What do you do in your every day as a family? Do you like cooking together? Read bedtime stories? Go for a stroll to a neighbourhood park? We always suggest coming up with fun and lighthearted family activities so that you feel comfortable and natural doing them. When your kids grow up and look back to these images, they will see how much love, fun and warmth you brought to their life just by doing these little things 🙂

3. Snuggle! Big group hugs, eskimo kisses, nose rubs, all of it. It’s what those emotional pictures are made of, people! This is where you capture the true relationships and love in the family. They always end up being my favorite pictures from the session, and they’re usually our couples’ favorite too.