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party in disney land

Irrum’s Mad Hatter tea Party in Disney Land

Dear Irrum and Jeff… you rock!  Thanks for inviting us to Disney Land:)  Before Irrum and Jeff’s wedding Day Irrum had a mad hatter themed tea party (girls ONLY).  The decor and the food was amazing… what a fun early afternoon of games, tea and waffles…mmmmm.

To keep with the spirits of the Mad Hatter theme, the girls played a game to see who could create the best hat with only the materials at each table. Mo and I got to judge the winning team…it was a close one and we had a tie, and as a tie breaker we had the two of the ladies do an egg race in grass, heels and all. GOOD TIMES!

Irrum’s Mad Hatter Tea Party was featured on the The Wedding Co Blog this week, check it out!

Stay tuned for images of their wedding day.


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