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Babies Born During Corona Virus are Missing out on Newborn Photo Sessions

Babies born during the coronavirus pandemic are getting a lousy deal.

Not only are they receiving far fewer snuggles and kisses as relatives and friends must socially distance themselves, but some very precious moments are being missed. Newborn photo shoots are among them.

These are trying times for us all.  We typically do a ton of newborn and family photoshoots around this time, however due to Covid – 19 all of our photography sessions have had to be postponed meaning those very special first few days of a newborn’s life cannot be documented like before.  Soooooo….. we had to figure out a way.  When our beautiful niece was born on April 24th we did the one thing we do best.  We packed up our gear and headed over to photograph Rumi during her first few days in the safest possible way while respecting the social distancing guidelines.  We photographed proud new Mom, Dad and baby girl inside their home while we shot outside through a window.  If interested in one of these window  or door step social distance photoshoots please get in touch with us.  More info in the Link below.  Sending all the new Mamma’s,  Pappa’s and Grandparents out there a big virtual hug.  Hang in there, we will all be together soon. 

Check out the sweet moments below.

Click LINK to book your shoot


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