Last October, Mango Studios hosted “For The Love of Photography,” a print show featuring works by the Mango Studios team, with all proceeds going to The Remix Project. Our friend Megan Wappel was kind enough to put together a sweet table for our party! Check out her amazing spread: flower-topped mini-cupcakes, delicious guimauve and macarons – not to mention the white and yellow meringues and sweets to match the party’s colour theme. Also check out those incredible cookies with the event logo and Mango Studios logo – we love it!
If you were at the party – don’t forget to check out the Smilebooth pictures here.
We would also like to thank our friends at Flying Monkeys Craft Brewery, Truffle and DJ Miss Tara for their amazing contributions to our party.
Sweet Table by: Megan Wappel Designs